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We support communities with top-notch training, education and certification through workshops available to our non-profit partners, donors and the public.

Join the 7,500+ Canadians and 849 nonprofits learning to fight food waste today!
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Learn how you learn best

We’re supporting communities by sharing everything we know about food.

A Donor's Guide to Food Recovery

This self-paced learning gives businesses the information and tools they need to start donating their surplus food or improve their rescue practices.

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A Guide to Food Date Labelling

This self-paced option provides all the information of the live food date labelling workshop at your own schedule.

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A Guide to Food Safety for Non-Profits

We’ve developed this 10-minute online learning to make food safety accessible to everyone at a non-profit organization

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A Guide to Food Waste Audits

This self-paced option helps businesses and organizations to develop a streamlined process to engage in food waste audits.

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Food Safety Certification Training

This course will share important information about keeping food safe and empower learners with the tools they need to serve food safely.

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Self-Paced Food Safety Certification Training

This is the DIY certification program. We provide you with a link, login, and password so you can access the modules at your own pace. Once you’ve completed all modules, you can complete the exam online to get your five-year certification.

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