An overwhelming number of Canadians are experiencing hunger. Your support helps us reach the most vulnerable in communities.
Every week a team of staff, students and family members work together to sort, package and distribute 5,000 to 6,000 lbs. of produce and up to 2,000 lbs. of bakery products. We regularly hear how meaningful this support is at a time when food prices are putting an incredible strain on families. It is because of Second Harvest that we are able to make this difference for families in the Winnipeg School Division.
We run our After School Program every day during the week. Most of our rescued food goes to this program to support the children and families. We run this program in a neighbourhood with a high risk of food insecurity. The children love this program and very much appreciate the extra food items they can enjoy and bring back to their families.
Food is the centre of everything we do at Covenant House. It is the first thing we offer a youth when they come through our doors, and it’s what fuels our young people as they work hard for a brighter future.